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How to wear the full lace wig


First, wear the wig cap.

The net is open at both ends, hands open, and the net is pulled down from the top of the head to the neck.

With one end of the lock facing down, hold the unlocked end with both hands, and pull the net upward until it is fully covered.

The end of the lock is adjusted to the hand behind the hairline and put it in. Rub the hair evenly and secure it behind the head with a small clip, not on the top of the head.

Second, wear the full lace wig.

Before wearing short hair, comb the wig smooth, curl does not need to comb, take out to shake.

According to the different head circumference, using the adjustment button design, there are several small compartments between the two adjustment buttons, according to individual needs to adjust to the appropriate position. There were two protruding pieces on either side of the wig, which joined to the sideburns and were symmetrical after being worn, otherwise the wig would not be straight.

After wearing it, spray some pure water or special wig care solution, comb your short hair with a comb, and hand manage your curly hair to get the desired effect.

Wear a wig to pay attention to clean, otherwise the scalp is very itchy.

Full Lace Wig

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